Optimizing Collections Hero Image

Updated for Swift 4

Optimizing Collections

Write custom collections in Swift with a strong focus on performance

by Károly Lőrentey

In this book, we show how to write very efficient Swift collection code. Throughout the book, we benchmark everything — with some surprising results. We implement custom data structures with value semantics and copy-on-write behavior such as sorted arrays, binary trees, red-black trees, and B-trees.

Even if you never implement your own collections, this book helps you reason about the performance of Swift code.

Book Contents

  • Swift Collections

    Learn how Swift's built-in collections perform

  • Performance

    Use benchmarking to measure performance in the real world

  • Copy-On-Write

    Implement high-performance value types using copy-on-write

  • Wrapping Built-In Datatypes

    Wrap NSOrderedSet to give it value semantics and copy-on-write performance

  • Red-Black Trees

    Build red-black search trees using algebraic datatypes

  • B-Trees

    Implement the data structure behind many file systems and databases

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About the Author

  • Károly Lőrentey

